मंगलवार, 14 जुलाई 2020

God's existence, nature and theory

A senseless and clever man created god in the day light time to overcome the power of nature and established his imaginary power over his fellowmen in the name of protecting them from the nature's power.                                                    No theory that proves the existence, need and power of god. As theists use to imagination theory to prove the existence of their god, but a theory that exists in our imagination, can not prove the existence of god. You cannot build a theory on the basis of imagination.                          
A god cannot be invisible in an empty glass. A god cannot be existed beyond our sense organs. Heart is not sense organ that feels us the existence of something. A thing cannot be existed beyond our sense organ.                                       
Now technology is replacing to the functions of our sense organs as AI technolgy, drones, robots, etc. But it can not also prove the existence of god. We can get the similar experience or sense from technology. Sense organs are natural but technology is artificial. Experience of touching or looking a stone idol of god will be similar to the experience that you get through technology.                             Therefore, in brief, if the existence of god can not be proved by our sense organs, similarly that can not be also proven through technology. Stephen Hopkins had already proved that no god exists in our space.

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