गुरुवार, 2 अप्रैल 2020

Ambedkar Philosophy and COVID-19

Nature created a non-living protein covered RNA molecular that's size of 0.5 - 0.2 nm or micron as Coronavirus (we can see it only through electronic microscope or larger digital camera) brought the entire world at the point of epic tragedy. Coronavirus can only survive inside human body not ouside for longer time. The RNA property helps its mutation. Its means Coronavirus can adopt and change itself after entering in human body. It is still out of cured by any biological or chemical medicine but can be protected by humanitarian measures. But human created God is also a non-living thing or property without any size, shape and existence. It has only one property that mythical religious believe (MRB) of human. We can not see this God or similar to non-living particle through any kind of device or machine. God proven useless whenever humanity come to face its existence crisis like the present one COVID-19. Throughout the world, God believers + governments spent unaccounted and countless trillion dollars in the name of God or its power or existence but this world spent only countable money in the medical research and health infrastructural development. We have more temples, less hospitals. We have more gods, less doctors. It is because of the Brahmanical philosophy or upper caste elites' religious mixed socialism. Brahmanical socialism has only one working-principle: production and consumption of goods according to ability of person and the ability of person is either earned through privilege or power. But Ambedkar socialism is based on the need of a person and the need is according to right.    
Ambedkar philosophy is rightly required in this time. Ambedkar's model of socialism is relevant much more in this time. We should learn from societies of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and  China also. Indian socialism or communism is a product  of privileged system of upper castes  or liberal elite peoples and it gets end due to their own counter-product. The socialism of liberal elite's or upper caste does not fit to lower caste or traditional social distancing communities. That's reason why Indian liberal elite's socialism failed in both economical and socially? 
Only Ambedkar socialism can save us in time of crisis because its rooted in cooperative community social soil. Ambedkar used to say that we are socialist by nature. Because Ambedkar socialism is based on the potent structure of lower castes' traditional community socialism and cooperative system. Rural economy and collective cooperative structure of rural communities can survive and save us also in the time of troubling economy or social tragedy. 
Village or lower caste community's social and economic model is kind of problem-solving, sustainable and all-time fit. Why did Ambedkar's socialist philosophy not grow up because lower caste communities still gripped into Brahmanical or liberal elite's religion mixed socialism? Liberal Religious socialism is not only created but also nurtured by political forces of upper castes. 
Political majority always appear in favour of upper caste interests. In COVID-19, the ruling political forces made invisible majority in favour of migrated people of liberal elites and upper caste living in abroad brought back by flights with public exchequer to home. But the same majority of upper caste controlled power did not show any interest in favour of migrated domestic workforce of lower castes for sending them back to homes. If once the lower caste communities come out from the grippe of Brahmanical socialism or religious philosophical socialism of upper castes or liberal elites, what option will remain for us, that is, only Ambedkar socialism. 
The COVID-19 pandemic is the right time to re-establish to Ambedkar socialism on the ground. Recently World Bank also analysed that after the COVID-19 crisis over only economies of China and India will survive because Chinese economic is based on market socialism and India's economy is based on village socialism. The least but not the last, I conclude my views with a remark of Philip Spratt: The socialist bureaucracy is the modern form of the caste system - Philip Spratt, 1966.'

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