शुक्रवार, 1 मई 2020

The learning lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic

The learning lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic:

The present COVID-19 pandemic is forced us not only to live in lockdown but also to ruin our urban-economy. The rural economy, society, and culture will save us after the COVID-19 pandemic. We should not be more dependent upon the urban-economy. The virus-borne pandemic diseases are the product of the urban-economy. the rural-economy never shut down because it is a nature-borne system. The urban-economy is a web of urbanization, mechanization, and monoculture systems. It can be shut down and die also because it is an artificially developed system.
The rural economy is based on natural atmosphere, simplicity, sustainability along with diversity and variety. But our urban economy is based on artificial, chemical, and genetically modified techniques that produce only mono-culture. The mono-farming is based on hybrid species that genetically and mechanical modified.
Infectious virus-borne diseases develop only in the atmosphere of mono-culture and mono-farming. The industrial mono-farming of animals, birds, and crops is based on genetically hybrid species. The industrial farming of genetically hybrid crop, pig or chicken or cow depend upon chemical medicines, fertilizers, and artificial atmospheric conditions. These destroy the natural antibodies or auto-immunity power of that animal, bird, and crop. Genetically hybrid variety of a species is to be developed after controlling the natural immunity or antibodies of that species. The mass-level or industrial farming of a gm-species is called mono-farming or mono-culture. This gm-species is very vulnerable to host a naturally borne virus or a foreign guest. Once a foreign virus as a guest finds space on or inside the host; it can be easily transferred to all birds or animals or crops that we are harvesting or farming in one place. The virus affects all animals or birds or crops in a period of time. Gradually, the virus develops or adopts such capability of transferring or occupying another host, which may be human or other birds or animals. If a virus-carrying person lives in an urban or metro space or engaged with mono-farming of animals or birds or crop can affect other people in his/her vicinity.
The disease-history tells us that human-human virus transmission happened only in urban or metro spaces. Because urban or metro space is a center of mono-cultural activities or life. The coronavirus is such a kind of deadly virus that first transferred from animal to human and later it is human-to-human. A small populace in rural areas also living a life of urban-style and having monoculture farming or activities.
In globalization, the flow of people and materials is a must activity and system, that can not be avoided. The virus will spread across the world with the movement of people or materials. The coronavirus is naturally developed in Wuhan like metro or mono-culture space and it spreads across the world with residents or workers moved from here by flights. Our metro areas are centers of urbanization and industrialization and monoculture farming. Sustainability is working more on papers but less on the ground. We have destroyed more than 60 percent of bio-diversity. And many more times we have created monoculture in every aspect of our life or economic activity.
Our cities have less quality air, water, and soil but more dumping grounds, slums, and dirty-congested spaces. A big populace of our metro cities is not healthy, moreover, it lives in an unhealthy atmosphere. Most of the populace in our metro cities is composed of rural migrated workers. They live in unhealthy-physical space under-nutrition and suffering by some or big ailments. Our labor laws are unfavorable to workers and more favorable to owners or managers. Most migrant workers in urban areas do not have adequate facilities and services of health, water, food, and shelter. workers and labors live at their working places more or less without family. The family sense also belongs to the birth locality. It is our emotional and natural senses that want to go back to our roots or birthplace not only in our happy time but also in crisis time.
Migrated workers live in rented rooms and in order for family responsibilities, they live on minimum meets so that they can save more. Even in shutdown days, workers live with no work no pay, or go home, but in lockdown time, they can not go home. Why do migrant people want to go home in lockdown time, because they know (even though governments or NGOs assure them not to go home, stay here) that they can survive at their home in villages but can not survive at their working places? The survival is not only related to just alive amid lockdown time for them, but it is also an association with family and locality. They do not want to live an ostracised life at their working place in lockdown time. In spare time, people use to feel a lack of family or friend’s accompany.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, we will start to build a new economy. What kind of a new economy? Or we will engage again in rebuilding the existing urban-economy. If we will not build a new economy, then we will again face similar pandemic later or soon. We could succeed in the developing a vaccine for coronavirus, but this pandemic is not just because of virus spread or lack of vaccine. But the real problem is our present model of urban-economy. A vaccine can only be a solution to a particular virus-borne pandemic but not of our urban-economy. Therefore, we will have to think in a new way, think about the present state of our urban-economy.
The year-after-year since 1991, the share of rural economy reduced up to 14 percent. On one side, reducing the share of the rural economy, another hand, there is increasing migrant rural workers in our urban-economy centers. We did ignore not only the rural economy but also the variety, diversity, nature, and simplicity of rural society and rural economy. In the last 30 years, we have promoted the monoculture-based on genetically modified techniques, artificial and chemical manufacturing, and production in our urban-centers. Pandemic will occur until we change to the present urban economy. Some my thoughtful suggestion in order to build a new economy after the COVID-19 pandemic comes to over:
  1. To revive the rural economy
  2. To increase natural variety and diversity of crops, animal and birds that we eat
  3. To promote sustainability and biodiversity
  4. To strength rural government
  5. To regulate rural migration
  6. To stop monoculture
  7. To make environment, economic and socially healthy and friendly urban atmosphere, space and working and development
  8. To expand public health, education and research, and transportation
  9. To promote cooperative socialism in rural society and economy.
  10. to increase wages and payment of working people in all sectors.
The above piece of text is my personal opinion and understanding about the rural and urban economy and the historical knowledge about the virus-borne disease. Kindly bear to grammatical and textual errors in this piece of writing.
I welcome and happy to hear from you for your views on this piece of writing.

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